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Peonies, Pitchers and Piping Hot Muffins


My two largest peony bushes are quickly coming to the end of their flowering season.
That leaves two others still to be enjoyed.

With the recent storms, I've taken to bringing plenty of the blooms indoors to enjoy. I tend to gravitate to white pitchers and the turquoise one with the peony motif.

Of course, feathering one's nest means perfuming the house with something from the oven.  
Let's not leave that job solely to the pink peonies.

Spiced Apple Muffins.

The recipe is from Company's Coming: Muffins and More by Jean Paré.

It may be raining heavily outdoors, but I have peonies, pitchers and piping hot muffins.
 Care to join me?

A Little Note: My Little Home and Garden is now on Facebook. 
Please click the Facebook badge in the right hand margin (or here) to link directly to the page. 
I hope that you say "hello" if you pop over to visit! 

I'm pleased to be linking with Cottage Garden Party at Fishtail Cottage.

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