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Two Photos and a Camera Question


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The clematis plants on the arbour are starting to bloom. I think positioning one on either side of it, along with a New Dawn rose, was one of my better decisions. (I'm more consistent in making the not-so-brilliant ones -in the garden, that is!)

There are some happy bees buzzing about, which I take as a good sign. (This flower name escapes me at the moment.)

Now for my question. I'm thinking I'd like to capture some better close-up shots (note the fuzziness in the second one) and am wondering about upgrading from my point-and-shoot camera. Poppi Linn was kind enough to leave her suggestion on Facebook. Does any else have any recommendations for a digital SLR camera?  I'd appreciate your ideas, here or on FB. (Comments not related to cameras are also welcome, of course. I love to read them!)

A Little Note: Yes indeed, My Little Home and Garden is now on Facebook. 
Please click the Facebook badge in the right hand margin (or here) to link directly to the page. I hope you'll take a peek, leave a comment, maybe even click the "Like" button. 

Enjoy your day.

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