It's been a little of this and a little of that for the past week.
Some poking around the garden.
Some wishing for more rain.
Some hoping for masses of cool-hued hydrangea blooms.
I have plenty of white, more than one blue would be glorious!
Some basking in a rainbow.
The back garden is full of wild, cottage colour,
with a few tomatoes,
and herbs
squeezed in for good measure.
Some organizing and some bread-baking with a freebie "points card" bread machine, whose maiden voyage was today. I do feel like I'm cheating, not making bread by hand. My mother always said kneading bread was a good way to work out her frustrations.
Maybe she was trying to tell me something.
Finally, some card-making.
Regular readers may recognize a few of the photos.
I have a couple of notes that need writing and now I'm ready to do so.
All well and good, but I need to get out and have some summer fun!
I hope you've found some of your own.
I'm linking my garden greens with "Green Day" at Raindrops and Daisies. You may enjoy taking a look there.