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Put On Another Pot of Tea


 Every now and again, I just want to bake something. 

The urge hit yesterday and given I had everything I needed on hand to make cottage cheese biscuits, I indulged. There's something homey and soul-satisfying about taking a few ingredients and pouring, cracking, mixing and kneading them into something new. A little tweaking with the recipe -an omission here (dried parsley), an addition there (raisins)- just adds to the experience.

In life, I'm doing some metaphorical pouring, cracking, mixing and kneading. 
Or at least, I've started to do so. 
When things change, new recipes for daily life need to be found.
Some tweaking, you might say.

A cup of tea is bound to help. 

(This "Royal Vale" cup and saucer belonged to my mother.)

Tea biscuits and chai...

some fresh picked flowers in a pottery vase...

and some sweet thoughts of those with whom I have had or will enjoy
a pot of tea. 

I'm pleased to be linking with Rose Chintz Cottage and Cozy Little House.

Update: As requested, I've posted the recipe here.

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