Welcome Message

With Thanks


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A while back, I discovered a lovely blog called Ivy, Phyllis and Me! and became a follower, the first one.

Daphne, its creator, emailed me; she was very excited that someone had chosen to follow and wanted to send a present. I assured her that wasn't necessary, but that a postcard from her corner of England would be fun.

Instead, Daphne chose a beautiful book entitled "Flowers" by Janet Harvey Kelman. She selected it because she could tell, from my blog, that I loved flowers. I also love this book. The publication date isn't in it, but after a little investigation, it looks like it was published in the early 1950's.

What a treasure! Do you see the beautiful colour plate above? There are 48 of them! As for the sparkly items, I believe they must be from Daphne's trip to India.

Earlier this week, I mentioned Daphne's kindness on my Facebook page and several people went over to take a look at her blog. I'm hoping you'll do the same. Ivy, Phyllis and Me! is charming and you'll feel as if you've had a little holiday in England. And, really, couldn't we all use a bit of a holiday now and again? Besides, "one good turn deserves another".

Thank you, Daphne.

Given I've included a collage in this post, I've decided to link up with Little Red House's "Mosaic Monday". Mary plays hostess to a wide variety of participants.

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