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Victoria Day Weekend: Weed, Mulch, Sniff, Repeat


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It's a fragrant time in my garden, with the lilacs in all their glory.

There has been a fair bit of garden tidying going on here over the past couple of days, with much left to do on this beautiful Victoria Day long weekend.

There may still be weeds to deal with, but there are also a few magnolia blooms left as that tree's leaves open.

A  bit of a dent has been made in the 3 cubic yards of sweet-smelling cedar mulch.

I'm going with the red-plastic-bucket-as-a-scoop technique for filling the wheelbarrow; not the traditional approach, but it seems to work for me!

Some tulips are finished, and some remain.

Back to the lilacs; they call to me.

My weekend? 

Weed, mulch, sniff, repeat. 

Do you have plans?

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