Welcome Message

An Early Summer Garden Tour


Hello everyone,
 Hope you have been enjoying these early days of summer. The garden is changing daily here as the weather has been hot and sunny. Last night we had a good rain which we really needed.

                                        I have several Preston Lilacs here which bloom later so I love extending the lilac season into rose and peony season-some of my very favorites in the garden.The lilacs above are Miss Canada and I love the plum/pink color of them.
   It is nice to have a spot to sit and take in the beauty of nature.
                                          Or if you prefer a comfy place to lie swinging gently in the breeze.
The lupins are still blooming but the season for them will soon be past.

                                         Looking toward the gardener's cottage.
                                            The view from the little sunroom upstairs.
                                        Roses ,peonies, iris ,lady's mantle geraniums and another Preston lilac more pink then Miss Canada.
                                   It is amazing how quickly everything has filled in.

                                  A small fringe tree coming into bloom for the first time.

                                         Shot from the upstair balcony looking toward the pond.Some of you may remember this allee garden having the 3 arbors going in a straight line but when the pond went in 2 years ago we found the middle one obstructed the view of the pond from the house so we changed it down toward the pond and added the perennial borders to go that way also.
We had another 5 tours from Japan in the last few days. This group goes to Tasha Tudor's  garden in Vermont first and then on to the Island. They are always such an enthusiastic group of gardeners and it is so 
great to have them!
Martha's Garden has been at it's peak for the last week with the four Deutiza in full bloom.

Yellow flag iris
   Well, just a quick tour of part of the garden -soon I will share the rest of it.

  Thank you for visiting and after this week I should be able to post on a more regular basis.

  Take care,

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