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A Quick Look at the Garden


I can't claim to be spending a lot of time in the garden, it's a bit toasty outside for my taste. That, however, is a poor excuse for my sluggishness of late. A good swift kick in the keister is in order!

My flowers don't seem to mind the hot, dry spell and continue to forge ahead, without watering. Once I figure out how to repair a faucet and hose that spray with reckless abandon, perhaps I'll give them a drink. Better yet, there is a chance of rain in the forecast. Here's hoping!

Lilies are blooming:
pale pink

and orange with red ones.

It struck me that the clothes on the line matched some of the colours in the garden, blooms of a different sort, you might say.

There you have it, a quick peek in the back garden.
Thank you for visiting. I appreciate you dropping by for a few moments.

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