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Odds and Sods


This is one of those "odds and sods" sorts of posts. 

Do you remember the dark-stained, battered French door I wanted to spruce up a bit?

It did get done, but I didn't share it here. I've been telling myself that it needs somethings other than that small spray of lavender on it.

Another project, still on the go, is clearing out and fixing up the scary basement. This is one small corner of it.

Back on the main floor, there was the task of assembling a desk. There is something satisfying about accomplishing this kind of job; one would think I'd grown the pine tree and designed the desk myself, given the delight I take in having it.

Command Central. 

Just the place for blog posts to fly from my fingertips.
Well, perhaps a good breeze from the window will assist in getting some airborne; any ideas have been languishing in the hangar.

What else?

There has been a bit of baking for one potluck

and reincarnated leftovers from another one.

 Toss in a country drive every now and again,

perhaps a stop in an old mill, and that has been the last couple of weeks.

My gardening has been neglected and it looks a rather bedraggled outside. I sometimes wonder what routines people have to keep on top of things. Do feel free to share your strategies. 

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