Hello everyone,
I have been a bit absent lately but I was finishing up getting our home ready
for Christmas and today I was having some good friends in for a Christmas
I made scones and hot apple cider and tea.
We used my red and white transferware dishes.
Lemon curd from Lady Baker's Tea Trolley is delicious with fresh scones.
Heather pouring the tea for me.
I made some sticky date pudding with sauce.
We enjoyed a lovely time together ~ it is so nice to have good friends!
I was asked for the recipe of my pecan butter balls in the picture on my header
so I thought I would share it with all of you (on the 2nd line it should sat 1/2 cup
icing sugar).
Speaking of friends ~ Lauriane who came to visit us and our garden all the way
from Rio De Janeiro a few years ago did a lovely feature on my new Christmas
book today. Thank you so much,Lauriane - check it out here.
Tomorrow, I am going to see the play A Christmas Carol with my daughter
and grandson and in the evening we are hosting our annual Christmas pizza
party with all our family ~ lots of fun!
I am joining BTNOTP for Tablescape Thursday today.
Thank you for visiting me today.