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Old Quebec at Christmas


Hello everyone,
 Last week we took a mini vacation and went to see Old Quebec  all decked out 
for Christmas. It is a 10 hour drive from our home so I packed lots of snacks and
took along a couple of audio books to help pass the time......not that Andrew isn't
entertaining but 10 hours is a long drive!

We have gone to Quebec City a few times before but always  in the fall.
It is beautiful in the fall to but I always wanted to see it near Christmas
as I knew it was well decorated for the season and has so much charm.
Quebec is one of the oldest cities in North America and has a real
European flair.

As you can see it is very beautiful!

                                          Not sure which one has the warmest fur coat!

Chateau Frontenac in the distance is a well known landmark. We spent a couple of nights there ~ it is
very beautiful and elegant.

                    Love all the pretty rooftops ~ we saw men up shoveling off the snow on some of these!

                                 Love how all the shops were decorated in Old Quebec.
        As beautiful as it was in the daytime it was even more beautiful and romantic in evening light, so if you come back tomorrow I will show you!

Thank you for coming along.


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