Welcome Message

A Pastel Bouquet and a Bunny Face


I picked up a bunch of flowers to give to my sister-in-law this weekend. Having been smitten with the blogging bug, it dawned on me that I would photograph them before they left my house.

I think you understand that urge, Dear Bloggers.
It's an affliction we share.

You can catch a glimpse of my sister-in-law's handiwork in this photo. 
Can you see a smidgeon of the quilt in the upper left corner of the photo?
The delicately coloured floral fabrics go well with the pastel blooms. 

Along with the flowers was a turnip/carrot dish I was taking to contribute to the Easter dinner. It was a fairly spontaneous decision to make a quick template and arrange the parsley into a bunny's face:
a couple of raisins for eyes, 
a dried cranberry for the mouth, 
and some slivers of dried apricot for the whiskers. 

I'm not prone to such bits of whimsy, but let's create a smile here and there!

Small things amuse me.

I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend, whether you are celebrating 
or the season in general.

I'm delighted to be linking with "Mosaic Monday" at Little Red House. Drop over to visit Mary, the hostess. Her photos are always gorgeous.

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