Welcome Message

Romantic Garden Style


 Welcome to our romantic style garden as today I would like to share a few of my favorite highlights in the garden now.
 The Prairie Princess rose is blooming around our garden terrace as well as a Japanese Ivory Silk lilac adding a wonderful fragrance as well as beauty.
 It is still peony season here so I have picked some for bouquets.
 The hydgrangea with the lacy iron chairs in the background.
 This is the other side of the terrace.
 I love the combination of peonies and roses. The peony is Festiva Maxima one of my favorites as it originally came from my Dad's garden.
 This romantic rose is Lambert Close.
 Bowl of Beauty peony
 I love this Constance Spry rose with the white and blue clematis around it.
 Love the delicate beauty of my new Petticoat Fairy Tale rose. I love the blush of apricot in the centre.
 The Mary Rose with beautiful peonies.
 The Queen of Denmark is loaded with blooms this year.
 Krinkled White peony was loaded with it's delicate single blooms
 The arbor with Constance Spry and William Baffin in the background.
 This is one of my favorite lilac for scent as it is a delicate sweet scent that wafts around the garden.
 Constance Spry again.
 Sarah Bernhardt -a late Lactiflora, double, soft seashell pink, has a slight red edging in the middle of the flower, fragrant, slow grower, many stems, it belongs on the “good” list of well paid cut flowers, (Lemoine 1906).
 abundant peonies
 Hope you are not sick of Constance Spry yet-notice the clematis in background,I love this combination.

 Earlier this week we had a camera crew come in from Japan to film our garden for a September viewing of our garden and other spots around the Island and Nova Scotia.Wo hoo!
 A romantic place for a cup of tea in the garden.The beautiful hardy rose behind the bench is a soft mauve pink with a wonderful old fashion rose scent-it is Snow Pavement.
 Or maybe you would rather sit here for a spell and admire the peonies and roses behind you.

I hope you enjoyed a peek at some of my favorite garden shots. I love having some of my favorite romantic blossoms all in bloom at the same time.

I didn't forget my garden post where I will answer  your garden  questions -it is coming soon! I confess I have been enjoying some down time with family and friends the past few days.

I am joining My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday.

Enjoy your weekend.


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